What’s New? || Geek News

Happy Thursday everybody, now I know you missed out on my usual wealth of trailers on Tuesday so of course I have something for you today. As usual, you’re welcome.

New The Huntsman: Winter’s War Trailer

The final trailer for The Huntsman: Winter’s War was released on Tuesday and it looks brilliant. Yes, Chris Hemsworth is technically the main character but I’m focusing on the wealth of bad-ass ladies in the form of: Charlize Theron, Emily Blunt and Jessica Chastain. I’m a little bit worried considering that I thought that the first film was going to be amazing but that turned out to be mediocre at best. I’m not entirely sure why the studio even green-lit a sequel but based on this trailer, I’ll definitely be watching this when it hits cinemas.

Disney and Marvel Threaten to Boycott Georgia

In this-is-why-I-love-Disney news, a pending discriminatory bill against gay people in Georgia has spurred both Disney and Marvel to speak out. The companies have said that should the bill be passed, they will be boycotting the state of Georgia (where various projects including Captain America: Civil War have been shot) and taking their business elsewhere. Not only is this a great response but the stature of these two companies means that other studios will follow suit, such as AMC Networks (creators of The Walking Dead) who have also spoken out.

Marvel’s Most Wanted Logo & Casting

This week’s episode of Agents of Shield was an emotional backdoor pilot for Marvel’s upcoming ABC show, Marvel’s Most Wanted. Oded Fehr and Fernanda Andrade are now set to star in the show although their roles are currently unknown. Also, the logo for the show was revealed.

Marvel's Most Wanted logo

That’s it today but we’ve still got an Arrow review and a beginner’s guide coming out today so be ready. Also Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is out tomorrow – nothing to say there, I’m just excited.

Are you looking forward to watching The Huntsman? Do you support Disney’s boycott? What do you think about the new Marvel’s Most Wanted logo? Let me know in the comments.

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